IndusClassic® TLN-10 Himalayan Natural Crystal Salt Rectangular 4 Holes Tea Light Candle Holder



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• Teal Light ions effective area 30 - 35 Square Feet ( Estimated )
• Each salt candle holder is made from Natural Himalayan salt crystals hand mined in the Himalayan Mountains
• Every candle holder is hand crafted from natural Himalayan salt crystals
• Decorative and calming, creating a cleaner atmosphere
• When lit with candle, it emits a soft amber glow
• Reduce stress & Improve Sleep

IndusClassic® TLN-10 Tea Light Candle Holder is made from natural salt crystal from the Himalayan mountains Works as an air purifier by emitting negative ions into the air and light therapy to reduce stress and increase energy. Negative ionized air drastically reduces the number of indoor airborne bacteria and dust. Negative ions also benefit asthma patients, people with chronic lung illnesses, and allergy sufferers. As well, they help improve learning, memory, and emotional well being. By creating a balance of ions in the air, they stimulate natural drive and healthy energy. Their colors create a pleasantly calming and warm environment.

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